Betsy DeVos is absolutely right about campus sexual assault rules

[ – 9/13/18]

To push an issue, a leader usually needs to have integrity or street cred. Abraham Lincoln had the first when he led the country out of slavery. Richard Nixon, a security hawk, had the second when he made peace with China. President Donald Trump admittedly has neither when it comes to women’s issues.

So his administration is hardly in any moral position to revamp the rules governing sexual assault on college campuses that President Barack Obama, a paragon of propriety, put in place. Yet Obama’s rules were so overzealous and draconian that civil libertarians who care about the rights of the accused should welcome Education Secretary Betsy DeVos’ proposed reforms.

In 2011, the Obama administration sent a “Dear Colleague” letter to colleges that receive federal funds — which is literally all of them but one — laying out the blueprint they needed to follow in sexual assault cases to avoid running afoul of federal Title IX rules that bar sexual discrimination in higher education. Although the administration didn’t say it in so many words, the clear implication was that if colleges failed to comply, they would lose their federal dollars.

The impetus behind the guidance was the (indisputably correct) notion that scandal-averse campus authorities have a powerful incentive to disbelieve victims and brush assault claims under the rug. Michigan State University’s handling of Larry Nassar, the physician who molested female athletes for decades before his victims were finally heard, is ample proof of that. Still, the Obama rules swung the pendulum too much in the opposite direction, wrecking basic notions of justice, equity, and fairness. It basically set up sexually inexperienced students to be treated like Nassar-style predators — especially minority men.

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Related links:

Court rules accused can question accusers in sexual misconduct hearings at Tennessee campuses [ – 9/11/18]


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Yeah, bout damn time someone stands up to the frigging out of their mind radical leftists. I hope Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and all the federal judges Trump appoints, follow her lead and restore some sanity and constitutionality back to our courts. This way out BS accussing Kavanaugh of some kind of sexual misconduct from some 35 years ago while kn high school is the epitome of the lows the left will resort to. And these are mainstream dems. Disgusting. And this issue was created by the Obama administration totally stripping away all due process for students. And I have to say it, the way the doj is and has been used as a weapon to go after any Trump associate in fishing expeditions is also a complete disgrace and disregard for due process. Warrants and surveillance and investigations are supposed to be based upon reasonable suspicion of a crime and not just pick a person and fish thru their entire life for a crime. Total and blatent 4th Amend and due process violation. Even more incredible the DNC and Clinton/Obama blatantly did what they insinuate Trump did but no action by weak a@$/$ Jeff Sessions. I had to say it because it is maddening. I am not partisan either, I am more a libertarian and believe in justice and fairness.

It’s kind of worrisome how liberal the 9th circuit is, although they already declared the laws unconstitutional no telling how the will vote in the current political environment.

Kavanaugh accusation is a disgusting ploy by dems. This is an outrage and these scumbags whom make up these fabricated lies need to do time and have their lives destroyed instead of being made as some kind of heroes for victims. These kind of slanderous accusations with absolutely no evidence and the impossibility of proving either way needs to stop. This is defemation of character and unless someone has evidence and not just hearsay BS they should be able to be sued and held criminally liable for attempting to destroy someones life on a whim. I say unless you have actual physical evidence shut the hel@#$$ up or be sued and have your life ruined and be sent to jail and stand trial in which you better be able to prove your accusations, with credible physical evidence, or face the consequences of yohr actions. This just say and claim anything without repercussions and with uncontested belief without evidence is ripping our country and juducial integrity apart as well as degenerating and is an assault on the people whom have actually been sexually abused. I say if there is physical evidence, not just hearsay by I could give a rats as#$$ by how many people, then shut the hell up of face criminal charges and liable suits. This crap of he said she said and convictions by so called eye witnesses or alledged victims has got to stop. Now days anyone can say anything about anyone else without any repercussions, it’s so far beyond ridiculous, and u know a lot of the left wing radicals are going to be attacking me for being the supporter of “sexual predators” as the news is calling Kavanaugh and Trump but u care less, they are the ones that jave never been about the people and have always been the oppressors of the people and want big nanny government to be all powerful and control who lives or who dies both physically, and characterly if that’s a word….These tupes of baseless accusations just demeans actual victims of sexual assault.

I will say it again, by their logic I could be pissed off at my junior high school vice principle for not letting me go to school dance because I was caught with a joint in my locker, sounds convincing right, because this did actually happen to me and it was devastating to me at the time after getting all dressed up, showing up with my gf and having him tell me no you can’t go in, and just say he sexually assaulted me in his office, and shabam, off to jail he goes, or at bare minimum the ruination of his career and life. Sounds like the America we want to live in right??? This is absurd…

Ypu know even if I’m wrong about this accusation against Kavanaugh and it really happened it is still irrelevent if there is no physical collaborations. I stand by that wholeheartedly. Courts need to go back to their roles and not involve emotions or beliefs in their decisions. Facts and evidence and even the use of eyewitnesses is suspect and unless that witness can collaborate their experience with hard facts and evidence thejr testimonies should be treated as hearsay. Convicting someone by eyewitness accounts only is unconscionable if you ask me, it will always be a he said she said and I do not care about credibility either way. Credibility cannot be scientifically proven so it is irrelevant. See my pattern here? Physical facts, physical evidence, anything else is hearsay and should be inadmissible. I would like to see an investigation into this Kavanaugh accuser and I mean in depth independent focussing not only on her mental health and any donations or participations in any anti Trump escapades but also specifically focusing on her entire lineage for any kind of gov contracts ( to family businesses for instance, cousins, sisters, aunts, uncles) or donations ( houses, properties, foreign bank accounts or investments). I know I kept ranting on this subject but it is infuriating.